Fitness is one of the most important elements to maintaining health and reducing the risk of illness and injury.
Each of our disciplines include plenty of exercise that complement and enhance your training. We also offer a range of specific fitness classes. These are for all levels and lifestyles – whether you participate in sports, combat or simply wish to maintain / build your fitness level.

Taught by Physiotherapist Cris: designed to help boost your energy levels, muscular strength & endurance, core stability, reduce tension (particularly if your body is feeling the effects of sitting for long periods or sore from exercise programs that don’t involve stretching) and improve your mobility for better functional control of your body. Great as an addition to your regular training, recommended if you are beginning or just getting back to training to help prepare your body.
If you want a fast paced, energy boosting workout, Cardio Combat Fitness is the ideal combination of total body fitness and padwork. Fitness and self defence instructor Einav will make you smile while you sweat! Get your heart pumping, muscles working and say goodbye to stress as you hit the pads into tomorrow.

Taught by Physiotherapist / Movement & Posture Specialist Cris: a new approach to core training. Low Pressure Fitness is a special breathing technique which involves hypopressive apnea (reduces intra abdominal pressure) and 'reprogrammes' the abdominal and pelvic floor musculature.
- improves sports performance (bigger pulmonary and thoracic capacity)
- improves back health
- tones and reduces the size of your waist
- improves aerobic fitness for martial arts, combat sports and regular exercise.
Taught in 6 week courses for small groups of up to 5 participants.
Cardio Conditioning, taught by Physio Cris, involves plenty of mobility and bodyweight exercises to get your body moving safer and stronger, building cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Often involves free weights and padwork for an extra power boost. All levels welcome.

We provide fitness classes that will give you a complete workout and also complement the rest of our training at DSD Academy. Fitness is very much a part of each discipline – you won’t do a Boxing / Muay Thai / Krav Maga class (etc) without plenty of exercises to boost your speed, strength and explosive movement to help your combat skills and make your body more energy efficient. It is also important to promote muscular balance, not focus on one area but work on the body as a whole, so that your connective tissue from joints, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments etc are all strengthened to meet the demands placed on them and reduce the risk of injury.